譯詞:13 – 16

the hospitality industry
維基百科網站曰:「The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within service industry that includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry.」又曰:「A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or an amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance and direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, management, marketing, and human resources etc.).」
由上觀之,以「酒店業」譯「the hospitality industry」,詞義大損,不若以「招待業」譯之。

hate to accept
有時可譯作「不甘心」。譬如,「He hated to accept the fact that Michelle had fallen in love with someone else」可譯作「米雪移情別戀,他不甘心」。

be yourself
勸人順從内心或表露真情,我們幾乎都學舌英文,說「你要做自己」、「你要做回自己」。人心大致相通。英人有「做自己」(be yourself)之觀念,中國人未嘗沒有,祗是文教不堪,國人語文能力劇降,既無力辨別文字之優劣,更無力運用雅馴的中文而已。較諸現代中國人,中國古人恐怕更加講求「做自己」,但中國古代,人人重視文章,他們祗會說「率真」、「率性而行」。如果日後有位朋友向你抱怨,他礙於情面,在工作和生活中不得不說許多違心的話,做許多違心的事,覺得很累,不妨勸他說:做人,有時不妨率性而行。

unauthorised access (for example to your account
我曾言,「unauthorised access」用於賬戶,可譯作「擅入」,但中文其實有一慣用説法,即「盜用」。盜用者,未經他人許可,偷偷使用也。