試論「reasonable person」之漢譯

《The Free Dictionary》曰,reasonable person,乃「A phrase frequently used in tort and Criminal Law to denote a hypothetical person in society who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct and who serves as a comparative standard for determining liability」。

《The Business Dictionary》釋義更加精細,曰,reasonable person,乃「Ordinary, prudent person who normally exercises due care while avoiding extremes of both audacity and caution. Used as a test of liability in cases of negligence, this standard is not applied uniformly on all persons because varying degrees of reasonableness may be expected from a minor (infant), an adult, an unskilled person, or a professional such as a doctor. See also prudent man rule.」

又,《Wikinary》釋其義曰:「(law) A fictional person used as a comparative legal standard to represent an average member of society and how he or she would behave or think, especially in determining negligence; sometimes formulated as “a person of ordinary prudence exercising due care in like circumstances.”」。

由上言之,reasonable person乃為作參照或比較之用而假設的人,具備相應身分之人理應具備(reasonable)之素質(如謹慎、心智、能力、知識、判斷力等)。所謂「理應具備」,即以常理而論,應當具備,不求過多,亦不能過少。既依常理而論,不同類別之人,所理當具備之某一素質自然有多寡之別。譬如,一名會計師的會計知識理應比一名外行人豐富,他可以輕易判定某筆交易是否合法,但一名行外人則未必能。又如,一名正常的成人理應有毒蛇危險的常識,見到毒蛇會立刻意識到危險,但一名正常的三歲兒童則未必有此常識,見到毒蛇也未必會意識到危險。

此詞之漢譯五花八門,有「通情達理的人」、「理性自然人」、「理性人」、「合理人」、「普通正常人」等。前四個譯法均與「reasonable person」之法律含義相去甚遠,唯「普通正常人」與其法律含義相近。可惜,「普通正常人」有臃腫冗長之弊。

依愚見,「reasonable person」可以「常人」譯之。常人者,同一類別人中,謹慎、心智、能力、知識、判斷力等諸般素質為中等者也。衹要法律稍加界定,即可作法律術語使用。

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